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Writer's pictureHeather

November Artist of the Month: Ginger Stuart

We haven't had one of these in awhile! We're so happy that we're getting back into the swing of things! Thank you all for being patient with us as we navigate this virus with you.

This Artist of the Month is more serious than the ones before it. We just want to make sure to do this artist the justice she deserves.

So, without further ado, please welcome Ginger as November's Artist of the Month!


A Little More About Ginger

You may have met Ginger and didn't even know it! She is one of the few people that we trust to stand behind the counter and spend time with you guys if Kat and Heather can't be there. She's practically our Store Mom (or at least, that's how we think of her!)

That's why it hit us hard when we found out she was diagnosed with Acute myeloid Leukemia just a little bit ago.

Acute myeloid Leukemia is a specific cancer that starts in the bone marrow. Basically, this cancer is going after her white and red blood cells before or as they are being created.

She said that she was ok with sharing about her diagnosis with all of you, so we decided to try to honor her fighting spirit by making her Artist of the Month for November. Continue on to read about this amazing lady and what we're doing at Impulsive to help her and her family out.

We are super hopeful that she can beat this and come out the other side happy and healthy! She has already gotten some really positive news towards getting through this. We, like her family, don't want her to have to worry about covering the cost once she gets out of the hospital. We want her to focus on feeling 100% better!


The Interview with Ginger

A little backstory before we get into the interview. We did this over text message so that Ginger could answer whenever she wanted to and not feel like she was put on the spot. She had told me that the last few days had been hard for her, so that's why her answers are on the shorter side. I think that she's amazing for wanting to even do this while feeling so bad! She is always thinking about the people around her. So here's to getting to know a little more about such a caring and wonderful person ❤

H: What was the "key moment" for you that lead to you getting started in your medium?

G: Time

H: If you could work in any other area of art (besides your own), what would it be and why?

G: I'll try anything

H: You're a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?

G: Blur. Sometimes when an idea hits me, it's like I'm going a million miles per hour.

H: What is your go-to strategy for overcoming the thoughts of "your work isn't good enough" or "I am not good enough to sell my work"?

G: You guys and customers

H: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

G: A big cat. I look warm and cute. But don't underestimate me.


What You Can Look Forward To

For this month, we're doing things a little differently!

To help Ginger and her family for this holiday season, Impulsive Creativity is matching all of her sales (dollar for dollar) and giving her double for the items she sales from the shop. This is for online sales and for in our store sales. If you would like to purchase her items, please click here to be taken straight to the "Shop Artist of the Month" page and take a look at all the artwork she has at the store. (You can also get to this page by the drop down Shop menu on our website) We will be working hard to make sure all her items get put on the website this month, so make sure to check back frequently to see any new items added.

She also has a GoFundMe page. Click here to be able to donate straight to her recovery and her hospital bills. Ginger's daughter, Sam, is good about updating the GoFundMe page and you will be able to follow Ginger's recovery there.

Please consider helping out in any way that you can. Every little bit will help her and her family not have to worry as much during this holiday season.


Let's Get Social

Do you have a question or an idea? Let us know! Leave a commit below, sign up for our email list, and follow us on Social Media!

Here's a link to our Facebook page!

One for our Instagram page!

And one for our YouTube channel!

Practicing social distancing is great for not spreading the virus, but we miss being able to see you in the store! Reach out to us on your favorite social media platform, or send us an email, so that we can still talk to you!


This month is all about being thankful for what you have. Be extra thankful for those that love you this year. Even if you don't get along right now, even if things are hard right now, even if things aren't the way the need to be, or even if everything is right in the relationship. This has been a rough year for everyone. Express how thankful you are for the ones you love and those how love you in return.

XOXO - Impulsive Creativity

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