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Writer's pictureHeather

This Week's Need to Know at Impulsive!

We're back!

Thank you for being amazingly patient with us as we worked through changing gears with the virus and having to reorder priorities. This year has been crazy for all of us and we're glad that we're back to being able to talk to y'all more!

We have really missed you! Let us know in the comments if you've missed these updates!

Here's the really exciting news (yes, more exciting than us posting the blog posts again!)

North Carolina FINALLY went to stage 3!!!

This means that we can start offering our classes and events, while still adhering to social distancing rules for this stage, and we can start going to shows and festivals again!

Insert Kat and Heather happy dancing here!

We have been waiting this whole time to offer courses and going to shows again. It's one of our favorite parts!

So, without further ado, here's what's happening this week!


Classes and Events!


Be on the lookout for an email from us about an upcoming event! We will be officially inviting you to this event! If you are signed up for our email list, you should be getting it on Wednesday morning!

Not on our mailing list? That's easy enough to fix! Check out the bottom of any of our website pages to put in the relevant information and you'll be signed up! (We do not sell information!)


Kicks off our Stained Glass Crash Course! (Click on the name to get more info!) Join us in making your own stained glass masterpiece with our resident stained glass worker David Mathias! This class is seriously so much fun! But it has limited seating. So if you're interested, grab that seat now! This class sells out fast!


Halloween is here! If you've been around here for awhile, you know that Halloween is our favorite time of year! Come on by the store and check out all the Halloween and Fall items that we have in stock now, or check out our Seasonal Items page here to see the ones we were able to get up on the website!

If you buy or have bought one of our spooky items, think about tagging us on social media when you have it all set up! We love to see when our items find loving homes! Look a little further down in this blog post to see how to get connected with us.


Daylight Saving Time Ends! That means one more hour of sleep and that much closer to this year being on the way out! So much to celebrate in one day!

Do any of you still have clocks that you have to set for the new time? If you do, tell us what kind of clock you have in the comments! It's rare to find clocks that don't automatically switch over for us now.


We are working to get more classes scheduled in the next little bit. Our number one priority for our classes is for everyone (from instructor to student) to be safe. Because of this, we will be scheduling classes as instructors feel safe and healthy enough to teach. We will be letting you know in these posts when we have a new class coming up on a more weekly bases and updating our Classes and Events page of our website.

Thank you for helping us be safe and healthy during this time and for being patient as we get this going again.


Shopping With Us!

We have been working diligently on making multiple shopping options during this time. There have been systems put in place for health, considerations to making things as easy for those shopping with us, and still bringing you the best content and products we can.

Check out whichever of these sections catches your fancy!

Stage 3 Practices at Impulsive

We want you to have a safe, healthy, and fun shopping experience with us. With stage 3 happening, here is how it will look to shop with us in person:

~We are still requiring masks when you walk into the store for the safety of our workers and the safety of our shoppers. (Unless exempt.) We offer low-cost mask options for those who need a mask for any reason.

~There is hand sanitizer provided at the front door to have clean hands before and after you shop with us. There is, also, hand sanitizer provided for our workers to use after handling money or for any other reason they feel they need to have clean hands.

~We clean common surfaces regularly for the safety of our workers and our customers.

~We will have no more than 25 people (or less) inside our store at one time. If you feel unsafe to walk in when first visiting us, there is a bench outside for you to sit and wait until you do feel safe to come in. If you are in the store, please help us stay safe and healthy by observing social distancing practices while inside the store.

~We are offering classes at half capacity because of the size of our classroom. You will see this number reflected in the amount of tickets being sold for class time events. Surfaces are cleaned before and after class time for the safety of our workers, our instructors, and our class participants. We ask that you please wear your mask during your class time event.

If there is anything that we haven't covered here and you would like to inquire before visiting the store, feel free to email us at or call us at (919)593-6928. We will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have!

Thank you for being an awesome group of people and helping everyone that come into the store feel safe and stay healthy during this time! You guys are seriously the best community of people! We feel so happy that you all do your part to make sure that everyone has a good time here.


Check Out Our Online Shop

For those of you who feel unsafe to shop in person, or those that just want the conveyance of shopping in your pajamas (we totally understand this!); we have been working on creating several pages to help make your online shopping experience a little easier!

~Shop By Artist: do you know an artist that have their items in our shop? Is there someone in particular that you love to follow their work? This is the page for you! We are working to fill this page in as much as possible with all the artist that we currently have in the store! You will get to know a little more about them and shop their work at the same time. How cool is that?

~COIVD-19 Survival Kit: we put all of the products we have to help fight the virus all in the same place for your conveyance!

~Seasonal Items: just want to shop the season that we're in? Check out this section! All of that particular season's items can be found on this page!

~New Items!: the name says it all! Anything that is brand new to the store will be in this section!

~Sales!: you will be able to shop all the items that we have on sale in one place! It makes it super easy for those who like to save a little money.

~Search Results: this page is for you to search through all our items to find a few in your criteria. We have hundreds of items on the website now and it can be hard to find what you're looking for. That's why we created this page! Looking for something specific? Here's the page for you!

**click the name of the page to be taken there! You can check them all out!


Seasonal Things Happening!

We're going to be getting ready for Christmas soon! Be looking at the Seasonal Items page to see when we're officially flipped over! Until then, you will be able to find Christmas and Winter items by looking towards the back of our store, searching online, looking on the New Items! page, and looking in individual artist's sections.

Because of the switch, you'll want to be looking for a Fall Sale coming up in the next few weeks! We will reflect that sale in our store and on our website. All you'll have to do is check the Sale! page of the website. The email will give you more details when we announce that!


Artist of the Month

Is coming very soon!

We're getting back on track with a lot of things now!

Along with starting up the weekly blog posts and emails to you guys, we will also be announcing an Artist of the Month again!

For those who are new, the Artist of the Month is putting a spotlight on one of the artists that we have in the store currently. This individual is chosen at random (we pull names out of a paper baggy 🤣). We interview them and write up a blog post about them, their creative medium and process, and a lot of times they offer something fun for those reading about them!

What will be new, is that you will be able to find them in our Shop By Artist page! You will be able to see the artwork that we have up on the website for them with a glance and take advantage of their special offer that month straight from their blog post. Pretty cool right?

We've been trying to make this process easy for the artist involved, the store, and you as the customer. Please let us know what you think when you see that blog post!


Question for Our Creatives

This question is open for anyone to answer! If you are reading this blog and/or signed up to get our emails, you are one of Our Creatives! Get Social with Us or leave your answer in the comments 😊

Did you pick up a new hobby during COVID?

The Impulsive Creativity crew picked up golfing! It wasn't something we were expecting to get into, but it has been really fun! It was a social distance way of getting outside and getting some exercise in while being able to hang out as a loose group.


Let's Get Social

Do you have a question or an idea? Let us know! Leave a commit below, sign up for our email list, or follow us on Social Media!

Here's a link to our Facebook page!

One for our Instagram page!

And one for our YouTube channel!

Practicing social distancing is great for not spreading the virus, but we miss being able to see you in the store! Reach out to us on your favorite social media platform, or send us an email, so that we can still talk to you!


Sorry for the longer post this time around; we just had a lot to tell you guys this time! We hope that you have a wonderful week!

XOXO - Impulsive

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