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Writer's pictureHeather

This Week's Need to Know at Impulsive

Happy Monday everyone!

While this virus has thrown us all into a sticky situation, we are all about creating something positive out of the negative.

So this week is all about making sure that you guys are healthy, happy, and creative! Even while you might be stuck at home right now.

Basically, we're putting a rush on the things that we had wanted to implement this year in just a few weeks! We will be very busy, behind the scenes, just getting everything up and running so that we can help support this community however we can.

Let's get into what we're up to this week and what you can start looking forward to!


Online Orders

We have already started putting our lovely handmade and local items on the website that you can start ordering from us!

In the meantime, while we get the rest of our products up on the website, if you see something you would like to purchase but feel unsafe coming to the store to buy it please contact us! We are more than happy to work with you during this time! We are currently offering local delivery on our products or ship your item directly from the store and can discuss with you the best payment method at the same time.

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. That's why we're here!


Classes and Events

This week, we currently do not have any classes or events scheduled.

We are working diligently to bring you safe and affordable classes and craft ideas that you can do while in the comfort of your home. Thank you for your patience as cancellations are announced and as we try to get everything organized for the online classes being offered.

Be looking for YouTube videos (we are currently working on this! Be on the lookout for an announcement!), downloadable PDF files, and webinar bookings to be able to take classes with! While this is a time of transition and uncertainty, we are excited by being able to offer you options to still be creative and apart of our community!

For timely updates on these announcements, make sure to follow our social media pages (in the "Let's Get Social!" section of this blog post), sign up for our email list, and keep checking in on our website. We have a lot of new things coming your way soon!


Artist of the Month

March's Artist of the Month has been announced!

Anna Peterson is a photographer with a great eye for detail. She is also a mother and college student while also finding time to capture her passion within photographs. As you can tell, she has a lot on her plate!

What to know more about Anna? Make sure to check out her blog post here to read about her and the amazing offers she's giving you this month!

Seriously, there's more than one! I don't want to ruin that surprise for you, so you'll have to read the blog post first!

If you have read the post, are you thinking about taking her up on her offer this month? Make sure to stop by the store to qualify for the offer! We will start a sign up sheet for those who do!


Question for Our Creatives

Now that it is officially Spring, we wanted to know:

What is you favorite thing about Spring?

It could be anything about Spring! Bonus points if you take a picture of whatever it is, draw a picture, write a poem, or do something creative with your answer this week!


Let's Get Social

Do you have a question or an idea? Let us know! Leave a commit below, sign up for our email list, or follow us on Social Media!

Here's a link to our Facebook page!

And then one for our Instagram page!

Let us know if we're doing a good job, ideas that you have for classes, or just to say hi! Make sure to give us a follow to be one of the first to know about new announcements!


Please be safe and healthy as you go about your week. As long as you stay calm and continue to try to be healthy, we will get out of this situation in a positive light.

XOXO - Impulsive

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